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Biggleswade Academy is very privileged to accommodate a 12-place Primary ASD ARP (Additional Resource Provision). Based at the London Road site, the children who attend our ARP are all primary age (Years 1-6) and have a diagnosis of ASD plus an Education Health Care Plan.

The Provision is designed to accommodate children who haven't been able to fully access a mainstream setting due to their autism and/or associated needs but have the potential to do so with the support of a secure base and specialised provision. Our primary aim is to work with children and staff in order to provide the targeted and elevated level of support needed, whilst working towards integrating children back into mainstream education so that they can move onto their next setting confidently and independently.

With ASD knowledge as our specialism, we are able to work with children, their families and their previous settings to identify barriers to learning before using evidence-based ASD approaches and strategies within the Provision to:

  • Teach the appropriate curriculum
  • Equip children with the skills to be able to access mainstream lessons (initially with targeted and elevated support and eventually more independently)
  • Provide specialist support to develop successful social interaction and self-regulation skills
  • Enable appropriate future integration into mainstream education
  • Provide pupils with the skills that they need to manage and function independently outside of school

A step-by-step approach of individualised learning, based on need and academic ability, is provided to enable a gradual transition into the mainstream setting, which in turn ensures that each child has the confidence to be included, to learn alongside their peers and that their difficulties associated with ASD are addressed and supported on a daily basis.

Challenge is also an essential part of our teaching approach here at the Academy. The safe and secure environment that we provide means that we can challenge children to try new things, to go outside of their comfort zone and to manage life (positive or negative) so that they are better prepared to function fully in society as they move into adult life.

The ASD ARP comprises of two buildings, Madagascar 1 (KS2) and MAdagascar 2 (KS1) which are setup using a number of ASD approaches to learning (TEACCH, SCERTS and Attention Autism). Both buildings consist of individual pupil pods, 1:1 and independent learning areas, a fully fitted kitchen, sensory room, red zone room and an office. There is also a large outside area where pupils have the freedom to learn, decompress and self regulate.

Admissions to the ASD ARP are decided by the local authority.

If you have any questions or would like to visit our ARP, please contact the Academy office.