Early Years
Welcome from the Head of Early Years
Welcome to The Biggleswade Academy Early Years department, providing high-quality care and education to children aged between 2 and 4 years.
The department is made up of a three form reception team, a nursery class for rising 4s, a pre-school and The Lawns Nursery. We also are proud to be closely linked to the Biggleswade and District Children's Centre.
Our team is very experienced and committed to supporting the children and their families. Together we create a nurturing, yet stimulating learning environment, which fosters individuality, social responsibility, and an enthusiastic appetite for learning. We provide a solid foundation upon which children learn to be creative, effective communicators and develop a sense of inner strength and confidence to sustain them in the years ahead.
The emphasis is on learning through play and aims to provide children with a range of activities to stimulate interest, discovery, creativity and fun. The pre-school endeavours to ensure your child develops and reaches their full potential on their Learning Journey, in a caring, happy and fun environment.
We have good links with the local community, including the local schools and Health Visitors. We also recognise that parents are the first educators and know their children the best so work with them to provide an environment in which the children can grow and learn.